My Marriage Was Not Complete Until I Got My First Vibrator
{It is strange that so small a thing can make such a difference to your life as I was to find that my marriage was not complete until I got my first vibrator. Female toys can make a huge improvement to your sex life, and once I discovered the orgasm, I realized just how important this was.~Such small things are able to make such huge differences in our lives. I found this out when I bought my first vibrator. This female toy has not only been responsible for me discovering the pleasure and importance of orgasm, it has also helped many other women too.~It was only when I bought my first vibrator that I realize what had been missing in my marriage. This small thing helped make my marriage complete - it is amazing what an orgasm or two can do, and how much female toys help.}{Sex and marriage work hand in hand and gone are the days when women are expected to lie flat on their backs and not take any pleasure in this side of the marriage. This sort of thing can actually make or break a relationship.~Marriage is not only about the marriage of minds, it is about out bodies and souls also. Women are expected to understand and cherish these factors today. They are no longer expected to lie back like a concubine and not complain and participating fully in a marriage can be its making.~Modern marriages are not about wifely duties and not enjoying sexual contact. These are marriages of the mind, body and soul. Complete participation in a marriage partnership means that a couple must be able to fulfill each other completely and part of the deal is sex. We are no longer living in the dark ages as far as sexuality is concerned.}
{It is not only about the sex act, it is about being able to achieve a state of total intimacy and this takes a good deal of trust.~Total intimacy does not only mean sex and trust, but these factors play a large role in contributing to complete intimacy.~Complete intimacy means that sex and trust also play a role. If you can trust a man enough to have good sex with him, then you can trust him for anything.}
{I came across female toys completely by accident when a work colleague at another company sent me and invitation by email to an adult party plan party she was planning. Not having any idea what this was about, I agreed to attend.~My introduction to female toys came about by accident - I received and invitation to an adult party plan party. This was sent by a work colleague from a partner company and as we had a good working relationship, this was a good opportunity for us to get to know each other better.~I received an invitation to an adult party plan party and had no idea what it was all about at the time. Now I have been to loads of these parties and even hosted a couple myself just because I like female toys. A colleague sent me the invite and I only accepted it because I liked her and wanted to become friends.}
{When I arrived there was such a buzz in the room, the excitement was palpable and I asked Bev, what is this all about? When she told me I nearly dropped dead with fright, but she is a nice Christian girls so I was reassured. She told me that this would be great fun and I would learn a lot.~I arrived to find the atmosphere in the room palpable, the ladies who were already there exuded excitement. When Beverley actually told me what all the excitement was about, I was a bit nervous, but she told me not to be, it was all in the sprit of good fun, so I relaxed.~When I arrived at her home that Saturday, a lot of ladies had arrived before me and the atmosphere was thick with excitement. I still didn't know what it was all about so Bev explained in and to be frank I was quite nervous.}
{She was right.~It was good fun, the girls were already having a good time.~After a drink or two I began to relax - everyone was having such a good time.}
{When the lady arrived and started unpacking all her goods, I have to admit I was fascinated. She gave a good and amusing talk and actually was very good at her job, explaining how her experience with female toys and potions saved her marriage. It was then I became concerned that my orgasm was definitely missing from my marriage.~When the adult party play lady arrived, we crowded around her - fascinated. Her talk was amusing, down to earth, original and educational. I learned from her that the addition of female toys to her marriage had saved it from dying a lingering death and this was good news.~We were fascinated as the adult party plan lady unpacked all her female toys, potions, lotions, underwear, role play outfits and novelties, and crowded around her like excited children around a magician. Her talk was funny, empathetic, inspiring and educational and I was suitably impressed enough to make a purchase.}
{My husband and I had spoken about it, but both being a bit ignorant about the importance of mutual fulfillment, had not really allowed it to bug us or pursue it any further.~My situation was different, but I could see that a couple of years down the line, I could be in the same boat. My husband and I had discussed the fact that sex did not really turn me on, so to speak, but although it didn't bug me now, it might later.~She said that experimentation with female toys had saved her marriage and although mine wasn't in trouble yet, I knew things could change quickly. I didn't get that turned on sexually by my husband and this could be a problem.}
{She recommended that I purchase a bullet vibrator to start off with, reckoning that these items are the best way to introduce female toys into a relationship. She explained that they do not threaten the man as being a penis replacement and they certainly get the job done, so I ordered a powerful two bullet, waterproof unit and a big bottle of cherry motion lotion as well as a French maids outfit.~The bullet vibrator was her suggestion, she said it wouldn't be intimidating to either my husband or my self and I purchased a waterproof model with two bullets, a French maids outfit for fun and some cherry flavored motion lotion.~On her suggestion I bought a small waterproof double bullet vibrator unit, a role play outfit (the French maid) and motion lotion. She told me that bullet vibrators are always the best female toys to get if it is your first attempt, they are not so intimidating.}
{I couldn't wait for my goodies to arrive and I was unsure as to whether I should tell my husband or make it a surprise. I felt it best to talk to him about it, and he was awaiting the arrival of OUR package just as anxiously. Let's just say it all worked out for the greater good, the rest is history and now I have a real marriage thanks to Adult Party Plan.~When I told my hubby about everything I had seen and heard at the Adult Party Plan party, as well as what I had ordered, he was as excited as me for the package to arrive. It did and we had a lot of fun experimenting with my new female toys. I am not going to go into detail, but I now have quite a collection of role play outfits, female toys and other stuff, and we now realize that sex is the way grown ups play.~When I shared all this information with my husband, he was very open and also really excited for my package to arrive. This was the first of many similar brown paper packages we have opened together and he sometimes say why don't you order this or that, so I now have quite a collection. We play together now and sometimes it’s a game of Monopoly, but sometimes its also the police woman locking the bad boy up in handcuffs with no get out of jail free card we love Adult Party Plan.}